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What Your Kids Want and Need in a New Home

You’ll probably have your family’s future in the front of your mind when you look for a new home. But your kids probably won’t tell you what they want in a new house, and wouldn’t be able to describe the things they need to be truly happy after you’ve moved.

That means you’re going to have to think ahead to what’s best for them and try to find a home that meets your needs and theirs. To help you along, here are a few things you can look for in a new house that are almost guaranteed to make your kids happy:

Open Space to Play and Grow

Kids don’t like to be cooped up in small houses and small yards. For that matter, parents don’t seem to enjoy it very much, either. The best communities are built and designed with lots of open space – green areas with forests, lakes, and greenery that is scenic and calming. The difference between living in a beautiful community and an over-developed suburb can be more extreme than most people realize. Don’t settle for a home that lacks open space; your kids will thank you later.

Good Schools Nearby

Usually, we think of parents as wanting good schools for their children. The reality, though, is that kids have an easier time learning, and enjoying themselves, when they feel safe and stimulated. The right school doesn’t just give your children the opportunity to learn, but also a base of friends and activities that help them grow as individuals, and impact the rest of their lives.

Families With Other Kids

No matter how large or small your family is, you’ll find your kids are happier if there are other families with similar-aged children nearby. That way, they’ll develop friends, playmates, and even partners they can study and learn with. Raising your kids near other children is just good common sense, and one of the reasons that family-centered communities are sprouting up throughout Red Deer and the rest of Alberta.

Outdoor Activities for All Ages

Despite what a lot of people will tell you, kids love to play outside if there are open spaces, sports fields, and playgrounds where they can get together. More and more, family-centered communities are being planned around these kinds of areas where kids can enjoy outdoor exercise while parents have a chance to relax. There’s nothing quite like a clean, safe play area for kids of all ages to get out of the house and enjoy some of Alberta’s natural beauty.

Happy Homeowners

When parents are happy, it’s easier for kids to be happy, too. And what better way to ease your mind than by moving into a quality, energy-efficient, and affordable house that’s near shopping and amenities? When you know you’ve made a great investment, enjoy being around your neighbors, and can get back and forth to work easily, you’re off to a pretty great start.

Finding and buying the right home is a good first step towards keeping your family close, happy, and safe. So even though your kids probably can’t tell you what they need in your next house, be sure to be on the lookout for it anyway.

When you’re looking for a family-friendly community, you owe it to yourself and your family to come see the show homes at Crestview Sylvan Lake. One visit might be all it takes to find the perfect home and neighborhood you’ve been searching for!

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While our communities are typically exclusive to our preferred builders, we occasionally release public lots for sale to other builders or buyers. For current information on our public lots available, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We would be pleased to provide you with this information.